Dec 4, 2017

Winter Zests

Cold temperatures, snow day, winter zest, Jesse Tam. The winter months create unexpected  temperatures to dip below freezing and snow forecast snarled Seattle, northwest traffic. Bellevue's eastside higher elevations received more snow. Start early and check the treads on those tires so it will be safe on the road during rainy and snowy weather.  The colder night temperature makes the windshield scraping important to get frost off the windows so there is better vision when we drive off to work, school, shopping or meetings.

Make a list and start gathering some items to leave in your truck in case of stormy weather or traffic delays.  Changes in weather can occur quickly with fog, snow, less daylight and lower temperatures making conditions hazardous.

Here are a few handy items to carry:
  • Flashlight with extra batteries
  • Windshield scraper
  • Comfortable boots or walking shoes
  • Extra coat or blanket, hat, gloves, scarf
  • Small portable shovel
  • Snacks and/or water
  • Emergency kit
  • Safety flare
  • Booster cable
  • Fire extinguisher
Snow has blanket the foothills in many regions and the sports enthusiasts welcome the snow for snowboarding, skiing and winter fun in the mountains.  Looks a good year to spend time in the mountains and purchase a season pass for the lifts...have fun on the slopes, stay safe. Thanks for staying connected, Jesse

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