Dec 23, 2014

Rise to the Top

Holiday Greetings to all our business associates and friends who have supported us throughout.  Making  connections with Jesse Tam at the Space Needle.  The view is spectacular as always and well recognized worldwide.  It is one of the favorite places when out of town visitors come or drive pass to see our very own Pacific Northwest's icon.  It makes a statement when the lights are speaking to our guests at night, this is me and I am Here. The sparkles of holiday lights standing tall. . 

Here's a tip for expanding any business,  remain active and network in your professional organization and volunteer.  Enjoy what you are doing, it will reflect your passion.

Space Needle with Jesse Tam, rising to the next level and rise to the top. Reach for the stars and on this clear night - climb every level from the bottom to the top.  You will reach your goal.

Dec 11, 2014

If Life Gives You Lemons

These are just a few quotes to keep you on a lighter note from Jesse Tam during the stressed filled months. Work life can create extra pressure as we must focus on those sales goals for the month or crunching numbers for year end. Retailers and online deals are enticing us to buy, buy, buy to fill the quotas for the year.

Relax, take a moment to breathe and sip a cup of tea or wine and have a few laughs. Seattle is famous for their Starbucks tea and coffee for special holiday blend. The most important part of life is laughter and making a difference.

When you greet a person with a smile or nod, notice the results and remember the feeling....try it on one of those shopping trips when people look grumpy. 
"We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do."
by Mother Teresa

"Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting".
by Napoleon Hill
 *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  
"I believe that if life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade...
And try to find somebody whose life has given them vodka, and have a party."
 by Rob White

If Life Gives You Lemons ... Enjoy a Play ... Relax

Nov 12, 2014

A Time of Gratitude

Remembering other with Jesse Tam. November is a month of importance and gratitude as we celebrate Veterans' Day, Thanksgiving, Daylight Savings, Elections and president,  All Saints Day, and for some people Black Friday. Jesse mentioned the family who welcomed him as a young 17 years old student and the memories. It is a time to remember the Veterans who had fought and served for our country. It is a time to give thanks for the people who had  reached out and made a differences.

Gratitude should be practiced and remembered all year, not just during the holidays or special times. We may have an abundance of fruits and vegetable in our gardens which can be donated to the needy or shared with others.  One of the members of my Rotary club make sandwiches and distribute them to the homeless.  Whether you are a student, single parent, president or an executive; we can all lead and lend a hand to those who are less fortunate or hit a low point in life.

As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them 
John Fitzgerald Kennedy - president

 Nature's beauty showing the changing colors of fall in the fields.

Snake River in Idaho